Monday 17 June 2024

Mānawatia a Matariki! - Planting with Matariki and Tupuānuku

Mānawatia a Matariki - To honour, acknowledge and welcome in Matariki!

Celebrating the Stars!! Getting busy in the garden.

Historically, the stars were closely tied to planting and harvesting. Reconnecting to the whenua and looking after te taiao (our environment) are great ways to celebrate Matariki. We have also been talking about the different stars in the Matariki cluster - Tupuanuku represents food and plants that grow from the ground while Matariki signals the start of the Maori New Year.

With this in mind it was time to get our plant on!

From Kings Plant Barn, we had a variety of veges to plant - Cabbage, silver beet, cauliflower, spinach, perfect vegetables to grow in Winter and just what chickens (and us of course) like to eat!

Firstly we had to get busy pulling the weeds, turning over the soil and taking our garden waste to the compost. Then we had the very important job of spacing out our veges out so they have room to grow.  We took turns digging the holes and sharing our tools, gently placing the different plants in and tucking them into bed (This is a cute saying we learnt from our lovely Teacher Nikki it means cover them with soil).

To protect from the birds we found some netting and placed it over our veges. Now we will water each day and watch them grow. Thank you tamariki for all your help, what great kaitiaki you are!

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