Monday 3 June 2024

Sniff Jars

Today, we had fun with sniff jars! We had jars with different smells like ginger, lemon, strawberry, cinnamon, mint, and cocoa powder. As the children took turns sniffing each jar, their faces lit up with curiosity and wonder. With each inhale, they eagerly tried to pinpoint where they had encountered these scents before. This experience wasn't just about identifying smells; it was about revisiting past experiences and sparking imagination. Through this activity, the children were developing their sensory skills and constructing their own working theories about the world around them. It's fascinating how our brains can instantly recall past experiences based on certain scents. Sharing those memories with their friends while enjoying the aromas must have been fun. This learning is linked to the Exploration Strand of Te Whariki, where you explore through all your senses. Believe it or not, sensory exploration can help build nerve connections to the brain and support language development!

                                                           "It smells like cookies "Owen 

"Bananas" Raphael 

                                                                "It's tooth paste "Hudson

"Chocolate" Eiichi

"coffee" Frank

"Lollies" Owen

   "I know this smell, hot chocolate "Santiago


                                                            " This is mint" Aubree           

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