Thursday, 6 August 2020

Our chicken eggs

Today was the day that we got to do some baking with the beautiful eggs that our hens had laid for us. 
Baking is so much fun as well as being great for practicing lots of skills like pouring, measuring, stirring, following a recipe. 
Best of all we get to eat our finished results!

Have You Filled A Bucket Today?

We have been following a wonderful story here at Kindy called Have you Filled a Bucket Today? Written by Carol McCloud. 
This story is a guide to daily happiness for kids. It shares ideas on everyone having an invisible bucket that they carry with them and that we can fill each other's buckets by doing  and saying kind things to one another. In turn we can empty someones bucket by being unkind to them.
The tamariki are gaining a really great understanding of this bucket filling philosophy and many are very conscience of how they can be filling each others buckets. 

We have a special bucket now on the window inside and when we see people doing exceptional bucket filling they get to put a paint 'splodge' on the window. It is fun to see the bucket starting to fill up. Our aim is to fill the entire bucket and we will have a celebration day to reward all our bucket filling at the end. 

Celebrating Cook Island language week

Kia Orana, 
This week we are celebrating Cook Island Language week. We have been practicing how to say hello (Kia Orana) and Thank You (meitaki). 
The tamariki have enjoyed making Cook Island Tivaevae designs and even made their own ei katu (traditional flower crowns)
At mat time the children did some very cool sounding drumming to some Cook Island Music too.
Happy Cook Island Language week everyone! 

Monday, 3 August 2020

Happy Egg Day

Its finally happened!  Our chickens have laid their first eggs! They started over the weekend but it has been super exciting for us to come in and see eggs waiting for us in their coop. Today we heard them clucking loudly and when we went outside to check they had laid two eggs while we were here. We took turns at having a good look at the eggs to see if they are the same as the ones some of us have at home. Some of our friends wondered what would be inside the eggs,  if it might be baby chickens or if they are breakfast eggs. Deanne explained that these were breakfast eggs and we broke one open at mat time just to make sure. We will be using our beautiful brown eggs to do some baking!