Chris then showed us a picture of her lounge and pointed out the particular couch it was found behind, there was a fire place nearby. Chris asked us if we had idea's of how it could have possibly got there? Matthew suggested on the roof, "he crawled up the chimney and then fell down behind the couch" several people nodded.
Knowing that we are really curious she asked us "What other questions do you have about this creature?"
Ella wanted to know how long it is? We answered this question by using a ruler to measure it. It was 9cm.
We also had more questions but how were we going to answer them? We have been making regular visits to the library. It's a great place to go, they have many books there, all of different kinds. So we took the centipede to the library. The librarian found us some great books with lots of interesting information.
Ayla wanted to know "Do spiders eat centipede's"
No. A centipede can eat a spider, it has tough jaws. It bites and injects venom into the spider. Run spider, run!
The library books told us some more facts for Ella.
A centipede can be over 25cm long
Zac wanted to know "Where do they come from?"
Centipede's live under stones, undergrowth and leaf litter
Finn asked "Did it come from butterfly creek?"
No, it came from behind Chris's couch.
We have our centipede and findings displayed on the wall incase we want to take another look or have anymore questions. We are curious to see what further inquiries might come from this centipede?
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