Thursday, 28 September 2017

Another delivery!!

After all our hard efforts of fundraising, we finally had saved up enough for these fabulous rocket boards!! The parcel arrived and it was a little bit exciting, an early xmas present for Uxbridge!!  The children looked a little confused as they opened the parcel and saw wood!  But once we unravelled the mass of packaging and pulled out the big long boards, they started using them straight without instruction and in many different ways. The rocket boards are such a fabulous open ended resource, great for exercise, balance, co-ordination and play, hours of fun and creative play. 
 So many uses as we explored today.............

Many helpers to open the huge parcel

The ends open, huh what's that??

Matilda stretches out on her lounger as she reads a book

Grace uses to practice her balancing while Jaxon observes her technique

Declan tries out a surfing style!

The surfers!!


Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Spay wall Art!!

Because it wasn't raining today (a rare occurrence at the moment!), we decided to do some spray painting. We filled the spray bottles with some watered down paint, pegged some card up onto the fence and sprayed away.
Using spray bottles is a fun twist on an art experience. You need to have your wits about you to hold the bottle, squeeze the trigger, aim and get the paint onto the cardboard! In order to squeeze the trigger, you need to have quite strong muscles in your hand and fingers. By repeatedly using the trigger you are developing these muscles even more. As you move further along in your development, and start to become interested in writing and drawing, you will need your hand and finger muscles to be well developed, in order to hold and control pens and pencils.

Practicing to be Turtle Safe!!

We have been talking to the children about Earthquakes and practising our safety drill.  An earthquake is when the ground shakes because rocks deep under the ground are moving. When a big earthquake happens there may be a loud rumbling noise and things can start falling down around you. ...
What do we do at Uxbridge??  We watched Stan and he taught us to
DROP, COVER and HOLD like a turtle.  We are Turtle safe.
He also taught us the safety song, If the earth begins to shake.......

The New world gardens are back!!

How wonderful, New world are once again doing the little gardens, yay!!  We love gardening and how perfect that we can each grow our own little plant and look after it.  New World have called to say they would like to donate a whole box to Uxbridge, aren't we lucky!!  We will go and collect them on the 10th October and then we will have lots more to add to our little garden.  It might not be so little anymore :-)  They have lots of different things to grow this year. 



Slide painting!!

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Trampoline fun!!

We figured out a new way to use our big Tractor tyre, we made it into a trampoline!!  The children thought this was quite cool as they bounced away.  The teachers were super impressed at the line formed and the turn taking that took place, Ka pai everyone xx

What's in the box

We love receiving parcels in the mail, often it means that the teachers have splashed out on another exciting resource for us!!  I wonder what's in the box today??

Come on Teacher Mel!  We are waiting very patiently!

A dinosaur skeleton puzzle!!

And a really big human skelton, how awesome!!

More bubbles......

We have been experimenting a lot with bubbles lately. We have tried to make lots of different sized bubbles using different implements. Fly swats, rope, a bubble rocket and large bubble wands. Today we made our own bubble wands using pipe cleaners. We each had to twist the pipe cleaner into a circle, and still leave enough for the handle. It was quite tricky and put our fine motor skills to the test. Once our wand were made, we then needed to blow the bubbles through them. Until now we have been using the wind and air around us to fill our bubbles. This time we needed to use our breath. It was quite difficult to execute. It seems like you would need to blow quite hard and fast to make the bubbles, but we actually needed to blow slowly and steadily. This bubble blowing experience was not only fun, it enabled you to control your breathing and position your mouth in a way to pointed your breath into the bubble wand. Using your mouth, cheeks and lungs in the this way, strengthens them and is helpful as you develop and fine tune your oral language skills.