Wednesday 20 September 2017

More bubbles......

We have been experimenting a lot with bubbles lately. We have tried to make lots of different sized bubbles using different implements. Fly swats, rope, a bubble rocket and large bubble wands. Today we made our own bubble wands using pipe cleaners. We each had to twist the pipe cleaner into a circle, and still leave enough for the handle. It was quite tricky and put our fine motor skills to the test. Once our wand were made, we then needed to blow the bubbles through them. Until now we have been using the wind and air around us to fill our bubbles. This time we needed to use our breath. It was quite difficult to execute. It seems like you would need to blow quite hard and fast to make the bubbles, but we actually needed to blow slowly and steadily. This bubble blowing experience was not only fun, it enabled you to control your breathing and position your mouth in a way to pointed your breath into the bubble wand. Using your mouth, cheeks and lungs in the this way, strengthens them and is helpful as you develop and fine tune your oral language skills.

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