Wednesday 14 February 2018

Creating a dragon!

At Uxbridge, we like to show respect to our multi cultural community by learning about all the different cultures, customs and traditions that are important to them. During this time of the year we celebrate the Chinese New Year. To mark this event we took part in several events. Today we created a Chinese dragon using our creativeness and artistic expressions. We put our thinking hats on, suggesting different ideas for creating our dragon. The children contributed in painting the paper cups, which was to be used for the dragon’s body. While we were painting the cups we talked about how we could make the different body parts of the dragon. Jack suggested that we can use a cardboard box for his head and glue some red pom poms on the face as eyes. Evan and Isobel  wanted the dragon’s tail to be gold. Everyone put their ideas into action by finding  the resources. Gabriel wanted to be involved in too. He was so excited to see the dragon when we put it together. He stick some red cellophane on the dragon’s mouth to make it look like it was breathing fire. “He breaths fire!” he said very excitedly. The children have been creative and resourceful and they have used their problem solving skills throughout this project. Our dragon looked fantastic after we had finished it, and the children and we were very proud of  our creation.  By Anu

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