Friday 9 August 2019

A bridge with water!!

A story of Questioning, testing theories, problem solving, being resourceful and 
of course great teamwork!!

There seemed to be a plan for mahi in the sandpit today "We want a bridge" the tamariki said.  And so they gathered some pipes and water channel stands and began to construct. Upon completion, Brody says "What if we put water in it?"  "Cool idea" Tristan says.  Teacher Laura then posed the question "How would the water stay in the bridge and not fall down?"  "Hmmn" there was a pause.

Brody suggests to cover the sides and Tristan suggests using a bucket but they can't make them stick.  Teacher Laura offers some tinfoil and all then all together they tape the foil to each side, getting into a bit of a sticky situation as they try to figure out how to use it and where to put it!  "Lets test with water" says Brody as he pours some in.  "Oh no there are drips" says Tristan pointing to the end.  "How are we going to fix that?" says Laura.  "Lets put sand in" says Tristan.  And so they did, Awesome stuff, what a great mornings mahi in the sandpit today.

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