Sunday 15 March 2020

The Droo

We read an interesting book about a Droo. A made up creature that ate anything blue.
We talked about the language of the book, how it sounded good to read aloud because it was a rhyme. Leyla wanted to know what a rhyme was so we talked about how some words sound the same! Good questioning  Leyla.
The book finished with the Droo creature going to the Zoo and sitting in an enclosure with a creature called the Gred who was painted red. We put our thinking caps on and discussed what we thought the Gred may eat. If the Droo ate things that were blue then the Gred would eat things that were....? RED

"What if I had a Droo that ate blue?" Kian asked.
Wouldn't that be interesting! We came up with a brilliant idea.  We were all going to draw our own creatures just like the Droo.

" What if I had a Dred that ate things that are red?" Marlo giggled.

"Maybe I would have a Morange." Kian added, " It eats all of the orange."

"I want a Tink that is pink." Hallie was ready to draw!

The children collected all the resources they needed to get straight to creating.
And what clever creations they were. The tamariki had their ideas, articulated themselves and had a lot of fun doing so!

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