Sunday 14 February 2016

Happy Chinese New Year 2016!!

It's always exciting when Chinese New Year falls and we get to learn and explore all about the chinese culture.  In celebration of this special occassion we have been very busy indeed!!  The children at Uxbridge have been making lanterns, cherry blossoms, fans, looking at different pictures and chinese writing and Teacher Deanne dressed up and shared a special story on Chinese New Year. It turns out that we were quite fascinated in the story of the Great Race and how each year is named after an animal.  And this year, 2016, is the year of the Monkey.  We also thought the idea of giving red packets was pretty cool!!!  Shi Ming even told us all about the red packets he received, what a lucky boy he is!!  On the menu at Kindy was chinese dumplings and what a great job we did, super simple to make and they were yummy!!

The Story of the Great Race
Making Chinese Noodles
Cherry Blossom Pictures

Stirring the Mixture

Squishing the dough

Rolling the Dumpling

Scooping the Mixture
Cooking our dumplings

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