The Treaty of Waitangi marks a very important event in the history of NZ. At Uxbridge we shared the new Te Reo Singalong book by Sharon Holt at Mat-time and talked about the Treaty being like a promise. Through our discussions we had some wonderful thoughts and idea's around kindness, respect and rules and different ways we could show this at kindy. Whanangatanga is all about family and relationships and here at Uxbridge we are just that, one big family!! Together we have put together our own class treaty on the wall to mark our promise to one another, our handprints are our signatures.
The book Te Wairua o Waitangi signifies the promises and spirit of the treaty in ways that the children can relate - Who will revive the language, who will look after the land, the birds, the rivers, who will honour the treaty. The children's response to each statement was "Mau, maku, ma ratou, ma tatou - You will, I will, they will and We all will". It was wonderful to see all their enthusiasm in saying "I WILL"

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