Friday 5 July 2019

Happy Tanabata everyone!!

Thank you to Levi's family who shared with us a special traditional festival they celebrate in Japan on the 7th July.  Tanabata is also known as the Star Festival which involves a Japanese tradition in which people write their wishes on small, colorful strips of paper (tanzaku) and hang them on the branches of a small decorative bamboo tree. 

Sasha makes a wish that her brother could stay
 here forever
I wish to grow up and be a policeman
who catches the bad guys
I wish for treasure

Our wishing tree quickly became a colourful array of specially decorated bright coloured paper strips, holding all of our hopes, dreams and aspirations.

Some of our wishes:

Shaan - I wish for gold 
Orlando - When I am bigger I just wish to be myself
Leo - I wish to grow up and be a mermaid and a big sister
Levi - I wish to grow up and be a T Rex dinosaur
Chloe - I wish for a fairy circle

Like all festivals Tanabata also involves Kai!  One of our favourite thing to do at Uxbridge is to celebrate with food and our tamariki love being involved in the preparation.  This mornings menu was soma noodles.

The noodles went down a treat!!

Soma Noodles I love them!
     I liked the soy sauce says
I like them too, I ate it all
say Dror
In the afternoon we made pancakes, these were of the savoury kind a little bit different Jack and Dexter noticed as there was no maple syrup!!  Needless to say they were most delicious too!!

A fun filled day celebrating one of Japans most vibrant festivals!!

1 comment:

  1. It was such a lovely day wasn't it?! They enjoyed the celebrations. I loved watching them use the chopsticks in their own unique ways!
