Thursday, 6 February 2025

A visit to our Marae


Ngā mihi o te tau hou - Happy New Year

On Wednesday we ventured down to our Marae to celebrate and learn about Waitangi Day.  Kaiako Sue helped the children to understand through a role play about the TiTiriti o Waitangi document  which was signed over 200 years ago. We chatted about the importance of being able to communciate with one another learning to be kind and compassionate to everyone, and ways we can be inclusive. 

The children are familiar with the programme, as we start with a karakia,  and waiata.  We were very lucky to also have a delicious morning as well.  Our tamariki, enjoyed learning about the poi and the meaning or story behind each different swing move.  The boys practised their Pukana and the girls learnt to make their eyes big and wide. 
A few songs, and directions we are learning each time are:
Tu tira mai nga iwi, 
E papa wai (with the rakau)
Ki Runga - upwards
Ki raro - downwards
Ki waho - outwards
ki roto - inwards

The children loved having a go at a new instrument, that enables the children to breath in and breath out to be at peace and make music, as well as meditating to feel calm. 
Ha ki roto -Breathe in
Ha ki waho- Breath out
This is a familiar tool we use at Uxbridge to calm our bodies too!

The Tititorea (rythm sticks/Rakau) were lots of fun singing songs and following directions and focussing on keeping the beat together in unity. 

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