Thursday 3 October 2019

Zibbedy Zabbady Zibbedy Zee!!!

When creating our mixed media art we made predictions about what would happen when we put our circle of paper into the salad spinner.  There were some great idea's.  We talked about the colours of the sun (whero, kowhai amd karakaraka) and how we call them our warm colours because they look just like fire (ahi).  Some tamariki wanted to create some sunrays (hihi) in their sun (ra) so we searched around the art cupboard to see what would create some beautiful hihi.  The gold cellophane was the look we were going for.

As we spun the salad spinner we said a magic rhyme "Zibbidy, Zabbidy, Zibbidy, Zee, make these colours mix for me".  This made us feel like magicians completing a magic trick!

We revisited our art once the paint had dried.  It's nice to have the opportunity to talk about and reflect on our art.  Faces were a popular addition.  Now, come on Mr Sun, please shine down on me.

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