Saturday 3 September 2016

Our Sea adventures continue............

Claire and Liz brought in some life  jackets to add to our deep sea adventure play.  Every boatie needs one and what a great opportunity to discuss water safety as we hopped aboard our boat for some fun and fishing this morning!
"Come on the fishing boat" Jack calls out to his friends

Safety always comes first - so we put on our life jackets.
  Dominic is very helpful and assists his teacher Deanne to do up the clips.

Gareth notices a whistle attached and gives it a blow.
 A loud sound will help alert other people to you being in danger

"My daddy catched a big shark, a big one like that" Jack points to the picture of a shark in the water.
Look out for the sharks below, Izzy!

Jack throws his line into the water and patiently waits as the fish swim closer to the boat.  Jack tells us all about his Dog and how it too has a special life jacket to wear for in the water.

"Yeah, I'm going to catch 5 fish",  Fletcher says holding tightly onto his fishing rod.  He sniffs the air "sniff, sniff, I smell fish" he yells!  "Lets hope it's a great day for fishing Fletcher"

Dominic searches out into the deep blue ocean, I wonder what he sees?
Dominic explains to Jack that you put the fishing rod in the water to catch the fishies. "Quick", he says to Jack "they are coming"

Declan's the man to have next to you in an emergency, he knows exactly what to do!!

"Shark Shark" shouts Iris pointing to the water.  She spots the telescope and picks it up, looking through it she says "I'm going to find some more!".

"I got a shark!!!"

It's fun sailing and fishing with friends and what a beautiful sunny day for it.
So many opportunities for being creative and expressive through our imaginary play and it was so much more meaningful and fun to have real life props to work with, especially when it was Man Over Board!!!   There was lots of laughter, conversations, sharing, turn taking, problem solving and opportunities for maths as we discussed the size and number of fish we caught!!

I can't wait to see what happens on our next Fishing adventure!!

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