Thursday 7 March 2019

Will our last two eggs hatch? - A scientific experiment!!

Are our two eggs going to hatch?  Out of eleven eggs we have had nine chicky babies hatch!  But with two eggs left in the incubator still, we were advised that it didn't look likely that they were viable enough to have survived the journey.  On that sad note we celebrated our new borns and let the tamariki know that unfortunately these ones would not hatch.

Just to double check, we tested a theory.  If you put the egg into warm water and it wobbles there is a a baby chicken inside, if it stays still there is not.  We put the theory to the test......

We asked the children their predictions...

Brody said "The chickens will come out"
Sasha said " The chicken will poke their beak"

We took a vote "Who thinks it will wobble?"

Everyone said YES

"Is it going to float or sink"  We had to use our observation skills

We felt the water

"It's warm" said Wolf

Haley puts the first egg in

We used our observation skills to see if it wobbled or stayed still

We listened carefully to see if we could hear anything
Unfortunately there were no wobbles and no tweets and our eggs felt very light.  This made us feel a little sad and it was a good opportunity to express to our tamariki that sometimes in nature things go wrong and there could have been lots of reasons as to why our chickens did not survive.  But we are grateful for our nine healthy babies and will look after them well and give them lots of love xx

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