Monday 6 March 2023

What happened when the alarm went off!

Well today we were all enjoying our kai for lunch when we heard a loud alarm sound. It was our fire alarm. Our tamariki knew exactly what to do, they left their boxes and we all walked safely to our meeting spot. We played guessing games and sung songs while we waited. At last, we could hear the fire truck. The fireman and firewoman were all dressed up in their gear. They came into the centre and checked that everything was safe! After that, they spent some time showing us some of their special gear! It was really cool that they came and talked to us about some of their fire accessories. 

One looked like a giant key and they use it to get into houses when there are no keys! 

They talked about how there is 4 firemen/women in a truck and they use walkie talkies to communicate with each other. They said its really important they know what each other are up to! They are all on the same team and that is a way that they look after each other. 

Thank you to Amy who took these photos for us :) and to all the parents who had to wait until the coast was clear to pick up their children at lunch time. We appreciated your patience :)

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