Wednesday 15 August 2018

The Monkey Bar Challenge!!

Our games interest has taught us a lot about ourselves.  When things get hard do we give up or persevere?  What motivates us to keep going? 
The Monkey bars hold so many benefits for our tamariki.  They develop the strength our bodies need to be able to hold ourselves still, they develop balance and are great for children's proprioceptive and vestibular systems.  The development of these things will ensure tamariki enter school with all of their foundation skills met.  Without these systems and muscles refined, children find it very difficult to sit, concentrate and hold writing implements.  With all of these benefits, and our interest in games, in mind why not provide a little motivation to encourage tamariki to master the Monkey Bars?

Enjoying a challenge!  How many rungs can you swing to?  Once tamariki swing to a new rung, they can put a sticker into the corresponding box on their monkey bar challenge.

Once they have mastered and achieved all the rungs, it does't stop there!  There are a few more challenges to motivate them.  Can you hang upside down, flip, skip a rung and stand on top?  

Tamariki are thoroughly invested and inspired to challenge themselves.  The skills of perseverance and resilience are like muscles - they only get stronger if they are worked.  

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