Thursday 3 October 2024

Exploring Salt and Ice!

Yesterday our budding little scientists eagerly explored another exciting science experiment which was salt and ice.  Kaiako Lisa had frozen some coloured water in balloons and once they had frozen we got them out and opened up the balloons.  There sure was lots of excitement when our children saw the big round balls of ice and when they saw the different colours that they were.  We then got some salt and before we began our experiment we talked about what we thought might happen when we put salt on the ice.  Some of the children made their predictions and thought that the salt would melt the ice. The children each had some salt and put it on the ice and watched on with amazement.  We discovered that salt does in fact melt the ice and it also gives the ice a rough bumpy texture. After some time we saw lots of cracks appear in the ice and one of the children said "I can see the cool patterns on it".  The children really enjoyed this fun activity, making new discoveries!

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