Wednesday 18 September 2019

Busy in the garden

Yesterday was a very busy day out in the garden as we pulled out the last of our vegetables so we can prepare our garden for our new planting. Many of the children were keen to help and there were plenty of jobs to be done. Along with preparing our worm farm we had to pull the old plants out, most of these were quite eaten by a slug friend that we found in the cabbage so we cut up the things that we couldn't eat and have put them aside as food for our worm farm. We also trimmed back the trees to keep our centre looking fresh and ready for Summer, The children were great kaitiaki of their centre as they helped to wheel barrow the loads of mess away and bundle up the greenery for composting. We also replanted our strawberries over in an area that we put a net up so our forest friends (the birds) don't come and eat them before us. We are excited to plant out new blueberry tree too! This afternoon we will be turning our garden over and will plant all of our new produce over the next two days.

Inside there was more planting going on as we planted lots and lots of sunflower seeds to grow around the centre too. We are hoping that we can have lots of beautiful big sunflowers over the coming months.
We are wondering who will grow the tallest ....The sun flowers, The beans or the corn??? Watch this space!!

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